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Discover how one woman was able to lose 100 pounds and how you can too - extreme fat loss blueprint

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Tuesday, 12 November 2013

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Attention men and women - If you have 20 pounds or more to lose, this could be one of the most important letters you ever read…

This step by step system has been proven with 1012 people to shed your stubborn and unsightly fat in only 90 minutes per week!

“Being a client has changed my life drastically!  Before, my caloric intake and the types of food I ate would now make me ill and I didn’t have any idea how to work out.  I have been a client for 10 months now and I’m feeling healthier, happier, more confident, more energetic and, of course, smaller.  The workout and nutrition guidance is phenomenal.  Thanks to the support and motivation, for the first time in my life I feel like I can actually achieve my weight loss goals and, most importantly, I now feel like I’m worth it.  It feels good to have the confidence again.”

Over the years, she would get motivated, join a big box gym and walk directly to the treadmills to “do some cardio”.

After all, that’s what everyone says to do when you need to lose weight, right? So that’s what Johanne did.

When weeks had passed with no noticeable results, she got discouraged and decided to try something else. Anything else. She even tried alternating cardio equipment to “switch things up”, but still no weight loss to show for all of her hard work. Only knee pain, back pain and months lost.

Cardio had failed her and she was determined to try something else that might help with her weight loss. So, she went down the street and joined Curve’s.

It didn’t take her long to realize that going through the motions at Curve’s wasn’t going to get her very far either, so she left in search of something better. Something more effective.

“Fake food” as she calls it now. Processed, high sugar, high sodium, high fat. No nutritional value. Empty calories.

A typical night was hitting a drive through window on her way home to sit on the couch watching more reality  T.V.

This routine, day after day, left her at over 300 pounds – morbidly obese – at 33 years old.

She would find excuses not to go out with friends – fearing she would be laughed at, judged or that she simply wouldn’t fit in the seats.

The Framingham Study – a famous 44 year study – showed that being simply being overweight accounted for 31% of people with high blood pressure. Carrying around that extra weight is extremely hard on your heart, forcing your heart to have to work even harder just to pump the blood through your blood vessels which are also tightened due to the extra fat around them.

This is why massive weight loss – just like Johanne and the other 1012 clients I’ve worked with have achieved – is the absolute best way to manage your blood pressure and stay off expensive medications that usually cause more damage than they help.

Obesity related conditions – heart disease, stroke, cancer and Type 2 diabetes – is the leading cause of death and is costing the health care system $147 BILLION every YEAR.

The #1 cause of DEATH is 100% PREVENTABLE when you follow the simple strategies that you’ll discover in this article. The very same strategies that helped Johanne and countless others achieve massive weight loss and virtually eliminate your risk of death from these preventable weight related conditions.

It costs an average of $6000/year to live with Type II diabetes – a condition that is 100% preventable AND...

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