1. Generation Enggelmundus
Are you interested in “Cracking Your Code” to Unlock Your Weight Loss and Fat Burning Potential?
It’s simple! Simply read my book “Crack the Code” and start losing weight and building sleek and sexy feminine muscle tone by using my simple and easy to follow fat burning and metabolism revving program that is so easy to follow. There is NO endless cardio, fancy equipment and you don’t need to be on steroids to achieve that strong yet feminine sexy muscle tone and fat burning results!
Crack The Code™ is a scientifically proven fat burning and muscle toning program which is endorsed by elite trainers and top female fitness magazines. It has been used by hundreds of women of all ages to lose weight and gain lean muscle tone! Most importantly it does not rely on hours of training; you DON’T have to live in the gym and work out 3 hours a day! Crack the Code™ will help you lose that darn ugly fat, blast cellulite and allow you to build feminine sleek and sexy muscle tone! Some women are even experiencing the enjoyment of getting their hot body back and not only looking, but feeling years younger and even reporting having higher sexual energy.
Ladies- I have heard you loud and clear! You don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a weight loss program! I have heard your cries and have your solution! My fail-proof, tried and true Crack the Code™ Principles works!
I’m speaking from my own personal experience, and for other women who have gained the same results from these Crack the Code™ Principles and are enjoying their new sleek, sexy, and fit look!
Even if your goals are not to appear on a fitness magazine cover, or to compete in a fitness competition on stage, you can still achieve and enjoy incredible jaw dropping, head turning weight loss results! After you read and apply the Crack the Code™ principles, your transformation will be unbelievable! In my book “Crack the Code™ I am cutting through the fat to give you the top must do’s to achieve that coveted sleek and sexy look! Before we go any further let me bust some myths-
Common Weight Loss Myths Myth #1 No matter how hard I work or how good I eat- I will NEVER lose the weight that I want to! I’ve tried before, and failed then! So it won’t work now!
FALSE!- This was me at over 200 pounds- and this is me NOW! If I can do it- so can you! I used my “Crack the Code™” Weight Loss Principles and they helped me get magazine cover worthy results! The past does not equal the future, so give my book “Crack the Code™” a try and you will be thank me later! Myth #2 I have to kill myself in the gym training 3 hours a day and eat little to nothing to gain these types of results! FALSE! With “Crack the Code™”, you will learn how to work out smarter not harder! People who train for more than 2 hours a day are overtraining and end up hindering rather than helping themselves. With “Crack the Code™”, you will learn exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it! After all, I am speaking from experience- I have 2 kids and a business to run and don't have 3 hours a day to train in the gym! “Crack the Code™” is not a female bodybuilding program and won't make you big and bulky, but it will help you burn fat and speed up your weight loss. These are the facts. The weight loss research simply does not lie. The way you are currently training for fat loss is probably not only getting you less than satisfactory results, but may actually be causing overuse injuries or an unhealthy exercise obsession. You just...
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