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Missionary fitness - lds missionary gifts - mormon missionary gift

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Saturday, 23 November 2013

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Sharing the Gospel as a full-time missionary is a gift and a blessing.  This blessing can quickly become a burden if the missionary is not able to manage the physical and spiritual stresses that accompany the rigorous schedule and irregular living conditions common to mission life.  The spirit of a missionary may be willing but if the flesh is weak then that missionary may not reach his or her full potential!

To help make the mission experience a blessing and not a burden, health and human performance expert, Calvin Buhler, has combined cutting-edge research with first-hand experience to create a unique and powerful book based on eternal principles that provide practical solutions with the most comprehensive and effective resources to prepare the body and spirit of any current or future missionary.

The best-selling book, Missionary Fitness: Prepare Your Body and Spirit for Service is divided into three sections: Preparing for Missionary Fitness, Committing to Missionary Fitness and Enduring to the End. Each section includes four chapters that address the physical and spiritual needs of full-time missionaries.

People who journal are twice as likely to succeed with their  goals, that’s why I’ve included an easy-to-use journal to track workouts, nutrition, sleep and more.  This 6-week journal can be used over and over again and is simple and convenient to use.

Missionaries need a nutrition program that can keep up with their rigorous schedule and that means eating the right foods to support their activities throughout the day. This cookbook features over 100 healthy and simple to prepare recipes to supply all the balanced nutrients missionaries need.

Additional Exercise for Missionary Fitness features over 1,000 exercises with illustrated pictures that can be done with or without added resistance. Using this book will ensure missionaries never get bored with their exercise routine while preparing for or serving a mission.

Missionary Fitness for Athletes features workouts specific to athletes who plan on returning to practice and competition after their mission is over. This book will ensure a return missionary is in the best athletic shape possible so he or she never misses a beat when returning to their sport.

This unabridged companion audio book contains recordings of the entire Missionary Fitness book read by the author.  Each chapter is a separate mp3 file that can easily be downloaded and listened to on any computer or portable mp3 player.

“the principles taught in Missionary Fitness changed my mission and saved my life after losing 60 pounds in 6 months”

“Missionary Fitness is a break-through program unlike any other and will prove to be an effective and popular complement to every missionary’s library. It’s the only comprehensive resource to address the spiritual and physical needs of full-time missionaries. It’s a must-read for missionaries who want to prepare their bodies and spirits for service.”

“To call Missionary Fitness refreshing, different and better is an understatement. I believe that any person who prayerfully studies and uses the principles taught will transform their life both physically and spiritually. They will embody the physical representation of our spiritual potential and be a beacon of our Heavenly Fathers’ love to the world.”

“This is a unique book that covers all aspects of health… physical, mental and spiritual.  Missionary Fitness is recommended to all current and future missionaries who would proclaim the Restored Gospel.”

“Missionary Fitness clearly illustrates not only the importance of health and physical fitness, but shows how it integrates with the mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions as well. After reading Missionary Fitness I wished with all my heart that this book had been available when I served my mission years ago. My missionary experience and my life since would have...

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