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Barbecue secrets revealed!!!-aft-

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Tuesday, 31 December 2013

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"Amazing Secret Finally Revealed by Retired Kentucky Restaurant Owner Eliminates All Guesswork... And Makes Cooking Up 'Practically Addictive' Barbecue Simple!"

If you REALLY want to cook up some killer BBQ, click here for a special *audio* message!

Now you can learn to make everything you grill or barbecue 100% more flavorful almost overnight, getting the perfect results you could only dream of before... while grilling steak after steak, and rib after rib, exactly how you want it, as consistent as clockwork... and, if you're like most barbecuers, turning heads at your very next BBQ!

If you've ever wanted to cook up barbecue so incredible your guests actually close their eyes, make the "mmmmm" sound, and ask the person next to them if they can believe what they're tasting... then this will be the most important message you ever read.

My name is Randy Pryor, and until recently, I was your basic BBQ "hack." I had a Weber and some tongs, what else did I need?

Sometimes I'd grill up the meat so it was perfect on the outside, but raw on the inside... then the very next BBQ, using the same equipment, my steaks would be fine on the inside and burnt on the outside.

I remember standing over the grill after everyone left, one emotional hair-trigger away from hauling the whole thing to the dumpster and never even attend another barbecue for the rest of my life.

Doesn't it drive you nuts? I had no consistency to my cooking at all, even after 20 years of...

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