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Detox diet - cleansing body cleanse - total wellness cleanse

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Monday, 2 December 2013

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If you desperately want to feel healthier, more energetic, and more alive, so you can keep up with the demands of modern life and live with passion and energy… without having to rely on drugs, coffee or “New Age” supplements to get you through the day… then this will be the most important letter you ever read.

It’s the same reason why so many people suffer from digestion and elimination problems. And the exact same reason why you’re having trouble sleeping… experience sudden headaches, out of nowhere… feel sudden pains in your back… and suffer skin problems, like acne.

And if you’re feeling depressed or irritable… have trouble concentrating… or suffer from frequent mood changes… then you need to know that all these problems come from the exact same root cause. Yet... doctors, medical companies and the rest of the “healthcare” community refuse to talk about it.

Toxins. It’s all the toxins your body absorbs. They’re everywhere. They’re in almost all the meat and commercially grown foods you feed you and your children… all the packaged and processed food products you buy… and the cleaning and cosmetic products you use, ironically enough, to keep you family clean and protected from disease. You can’t escape them.

These toxins are even in the air you breathe. And the water you drink. And the rain that falls on your skin. Those chemicals are everywhere. And every second, of every day, these toxins are seeping into your body — through your skin and via your digestive system — and causing terrible damage. And if you continue reading, I’ll prove to you…

Pesticide is a poison. It’s designed to kill insects and pests. That’s why it contains the chemical organophosphate, which is the key ingredient used in nerve gases — like sarin, which was used by the Tokyo subway terrorists. Pesticides have been carefully designed to kill insects, by damaging their nervous systems. They work by irreversibly blocking a particular enzyme that’s critical for nerve function. But they cause the same effect in humans too!

Pesticides are used by large food companies to kill insects and other pests, because it supposedly increases the yield of their crops and the profitability of their business. The only problem is…

You see… pesticides are designed to withstand months of rain, and so don’t wash off with water. Also, fruit and vegetables are often waxed over the pesticides. And some pesticides actually go into the plant itself, so can’t be washed away. You end up eating it.

The Environmental Working Group published a study, titled “Overexposed: Organophosphate Insecticides in Children’s Foods”… which found that 13% of all conventionally grown apples, 7.5% of all pears and 5% of all grapes in the US food supply expose the average child to unsafe levels of pesticides.

In fact, the same study also found… everyday, nine out of ten American children between the ages of six months and five years are exposed to 13 different neurotoxic pesticides in the foods they eat. While these pesticides rarely cause visible illness, they do have the potential to cause long-term damage to the brain and nervous system — which is still developing, and thus vulnerable.

(This should be obvious though, right? If you’re feeding your child chemicals that were specifically manufactured in order to damage the nervous system, then there’s probably going to be some nerve damage. Why do we need scientific studies to point this out?)

Between 1992 and 2001, the US Geological Survey conducted a survey that found that pesticides pollute every stream sampled, and more than 90% of all wells. Pesticide residues were also found in rain and ground water. And so…

Chronic toxicity, leading to… impaired...

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