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Filmmaker action pack - make your movie now!

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Just over a decade ago, long before I made a movie… I was stuck in my small town, living with my parents. To make ends meet, I took a job selling dishwashers and garbage disposals.

I remember reading everything I could, hoping to find a step-by-step system that would show me how to get money, make a movie and get distribution.

The problem was, most of the other filmmaking material was limited to technical stuff, like how to schedule a shoot, budget and how to set up 3-point lighting.

Don’t get me wrong, all that how-to movie making stuff is very important! But if you’re looking to add YET another technical source to your overflowing collection STOP! My step-by-step movie making system isn’t one of them.

Let’s be honest – chances are, you probably already have enough of that stuff collecting dust already.

For those who want a road-map for breaking into Hollywood, Jason Brubaker’s Filmmaker Action Pack is a good start. His e-book guide and companion workbooks are stuffed with information, insights and tactics, to help you achieve this.

Back when I started, you needed to shoot in 16mm or 35mm film. To do that, you needed a gazillion dollars.

And when you went to find money, it seemed like the only way those “experts” knew how to get money, involved finding a willing dentist and asking him for some spare change.

I knew the REAL answer had to...

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