1. Generation Enggelmundus
You may be wondering if there is a market for gourmet dog treats. Judging by my own personal success, I would say, "Yes! There is absolutely a huge market for gourmet dog treats!" - but don't take my word for it. Here are the facts:
There are over 300 MILLION people in the United States alone. It's estimated that approximately 60% of American households have at least one dog. With the recent revelation that dogs are getting sick and even dying from harmful dyes and preservatives that are being put in name brand food and treats, more and more pet owners are looking for healthy alternatives.
It's no secret that now is the time to jump into this booming business. Last year, Americans spent an astonishing $41 BILLION DOLLARS on their pets. Think of that as a piece of pie. Can you afford NOT to have a piece of that $41 BILLION DOLLAR pie? People are already spending the money, isn't it time they started spending it on your products?
If you've been looking for a home based business that is fun, inexpensive, easy to grow, and lets you work with your best friend all day, you can't afford to miss out on what I have to say.
My name is Karen Freeman and I am living my dream, but instead of telling you about my success, I would like to help YOU on your journey to living YOUR dream. You know which dream I'm talking about...
I was just like you and millions of others out there. I had a dream, a vision, a drive to succeed, but what I...
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