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Weight lifting for beginners

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Sunday, 1 December 2013

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Look at this list of the benefits you might gain by adding a weightlifting routine to your schedule:

In simple terms, this means you'll look better and feel stronger. And if you need to lose weight, strength training is an absolute must. Low calorie diets lower your metabolism - it's been known for years that trying to lose weight with a low-calorie diet alone will just put you on the yo-yo diet roller-coaster. If you want to get off the roller-coaster and lose your excess weight permanently, you need to do something different. You need to use simple strength training exercises combined with a healthy diet low in sugar and fat, because this regimen will let you lose weight fast - and keep it off for good.

You don't need to spend tons of money on a gym membership or on fancy home exercise equipment. This routine uses light dumbbells that you can purchase at your local Kmart or Target store. You choose the weight that you feel comfortable with for each exercise, starting with light dumbbells and working up as your strength and stamina increases. For less than $30, you have all the exercise equipment you need for this weight lifting routine.

"I'm only getting started, but this is the best-illustrated, easiest-to-use weight-lifting booklet I've ever found. The fact that it's female-centric really, really *made* the decision to purchase it for me."

The fat-burning benefits of weight lifting exercises actually go on working even when you're at rest. How can that happen?

Because muscle cells burn more energy than fat cells...

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