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Beer brewing recipes, beer brewing recipes clones, clone homebrew recipes, the home brew recipes book - 641 home brew recipes

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Tuesday, 14 January 2014

"This ebook is a huge comprehensive collection of homebrewing recipes.  If you need help with choosing a beer to brew, this is the resource you need." -

"Thanks a lot for the recipe book. I haven't had much time to go through it, but I spent about 10 minutes paging through and found several recipes I plan on brewing soon. It's nice to have a little style history and a few tips and/or suggestions with some of the brews." -

We are so confident that you will enjoy and use the recipes in our Ultimate Home Brewers Recipe Book, that we have backed up our recipe book with a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. If, for some reason, you are not happy with your Ultimate Home Brewers Recipe Book, as a way of saying thanks for trying the book, it will be yours to keep!

You can instantly download your copy of "The Ultimate Home Brewers Recipe Book" and have your hands on it within minutes. Just follow the steps below.

Grains 5 lbs unhopped light dry malt extract  .5 lbs dark crystal malt    Hops 1 oz Cascade hops (60 minute boil)  .5 oz Cascade (30 minute boil)  .5 oz Cascade (10 minute boil)  1/2--1 oz Cascade (dry hop)    Yeast Wyeast American ale yeast  

Procedure ...you need to purchase the book to see the procedure (the book is only $14.95)...Click here now to purchase

Grains 8.5 lbs. 2-row pale malt  1.5 lbs. Munich Malt  4 oz. Crystal Malt (35 Lovibond)  1 oz. Chocolate Malt  1...

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