Home » » Love curry but worried about what eating it will do to your waistline? - physiquebootcamp.com

Love curry but worried about what eating it will do to your waistline? - physiquebootcamp.com

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Sunday, 5 January 2014

If you’re a curry lover like me, it’s easy to feel deprived when you start out on a new health kick. You really WANT to stay on track yet you’re worried that you’ll be limited to boring, bland, flavourless gruel that’ll have you ditching your diet and going back to square one, right?

I’ve always been a big curry fan yet always knew that while what I was eating tasted great, much of the time it was taking me in the exact opposite direction to where I wanted to go in terms of looking and feeling at my best.

When I started Dax Moy’s amazing Elimination Diet, Dax mentioned that as long as our foods were clean, fresh, non-processed and with no additives (in other words real food) that there was absolutely no reason whatsoever why I couldn’t continue to eat curry while working toward my fat loss and fitness goals.

Right away I got to work in the kitchen recreating all of my favourite curries but making sure that only fresh foodstuff went into the pot and that all of the processed and chemical laden stuff that normally goes into curries was completely banned.

It’s obvious to me now, of course, but when I first tasted the new ‘clean’ curries I’d created, they tasted BETTER than I’d expected. I thought they’d lose something by my tampering yet, in truth, they were MILES better!Not just better tasting, but better for me and my goals too!

Everyone I’ve shared the recipes with has agreed so, finally...

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