1. Generation Enggelmundus
You’d be surprised as to the types of questions you get when you visit a webmaster message board or affiliate marketing message board, people ask the dumbest questions. One of the most common questions you get is, “What is the best niche?” or “What is the perfect niche?” You keep hearing this again and again and it’s not surprising that most people get annoyed by this.
Today I interviewed Mat Carpenter, a 22 year old businessman and entrepreneur. He’s currently working on TheAussieSEO, a Sydney based SEO company and has quite an interesting background starting at the young age of just 16. You can also follow him on Twitter here @MatCarpenter.
If you are a blogger, you probably already know that to be successful at blogging, you have to blog about subjects that you are passionate about but at the same time have commercial value and have a wide enough audience. Also it helps if you are blogging about a niche that has a fairly limited set of competitors. With that said, blogging can still be a chore. It’s too easy to get caught up in the blogging process and take forever to write a blog post.
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you would notice that your statistics counter, whether it’s Google’s analytics or a third party statistics counting software, would show that the keywords used on Google to find your web page is “not provided”. This move by Google to hide its organic search terms has left many search engine optimization professionals scratching their heads.
One of the easiest Blackhat SEO tactics currently available that is...
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