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Matthew arroyo - successsummarized

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Monday, 20 January 2014

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I am going to guess what you REALLY want to do is join me and all my friends and become part of the NEW RICH.

They actually believe that they can keep plugging away and eventually… one day… fingers crossed… all their hard work will pay-off… suckers!

…They WANT to call their own shots and have full and complete power over their own lives…

They just keep HOPING and DREAMING that one day they will become successful… and that day never comes.

I know you are thinking about a few people RIGHT NOW who are “casualties of life”…

I don’t want to bore you with some long story about how I was a struggling salesman, got turned-down for any decent job because I didn’t have enough experience and my bank account was in the negative… Because I HATE telling that story.

All you need to understand is that I had NO FUTURE and NO MONEY. I was working as a traveling life insurance salesman but the problem was that I couldn’t SELL anything. I spend all my time in my old, broke-down dodge neon driving too far too appointments that would leave me disappointed and make me feel like a loser.

So I started spending all my extra time – day and night - reading every self-help book on success, finances, investing, and business I could find. I would listen to motivational tapes and recordings while I drove to my appointments and I would put all this information to work.

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