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My lean university - my lean university

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Friday, 31 January 2014

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If you answered “YES!” to any (or all) of these questions, then we’ve got something in common.

My name is Dr. Cassandra Forsythe, Ph.D., and as a weight loss expert I’ve worked with thousands of people just like you and me who struggle to lose weight and keep it off forever.

YES!  Keeping my weight in check is something I have to work on everyday. I’m not one of the “lucky ones” who can eat whatever they want and never exercise, yet like that’s all they do. I can’t stand those people!  ;-b

Over the last decade I’ve pretty much seen it all – every fad diet, every “secret formula”, and every weight loss trick that has come and gone…usually making millions of dollars for the charlatans promoting them, and leaving the consumers with yet another failed attempt at long-term weight loss… oh, and the saddest part is the consumer usually blames themselves for failing the program instead of the program failing them!

Fortunately, in getting my doctorate, co-authoring two best-selling books, being a featured expert in Shape and Women’s Health magazines, and owning my own weight loss & fitness business I’ve also been able to help tens thousands of people achieve their best body ever…and keep it!

Now, that’s super-fun. I love helping people achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. I love when they send me thank you cards or bring in their before and after pictures with big smiles on their faces. It’s such an amazing feeling…it’s that reward, seeing people get in the best shape of their lives and being so proud of themselves, that gets me up every morning excited to help the next person!

I want to help you succeed the same way I’ve helped my clients and the thousands of people who’ve followed my program. That’s why I’ve partnered with some of the top fitness coaches in the industry to help their clients – YOU! – achieve their weight loss goals.

My Lean University isn’t a program that you do for a month or two and then finish. Programs always have a rebound effect.

My Lean University isn’t about pill, powders or potions, nor is it about eating plain chicken breasts and broccoli everyday.

My Lean University is the first online nutrition & lifestyle education program specifically designed for clients like YOU to gain the knowledge and develop the power to fuel your body for weight loss and optimum performance. 

In just 10 short weeks you’ll discover the who, what, where, when and how of nutrition for weight loss. Each week we’ll break it down in an easy-to-follow module that you can follow right in the comfort of your own home. Then for that week you’ll focus on mastering what you learned. No more counting calories, weighing and measuring your food, or stressing about eating out. Just focus on developing the supportive habits you learn each week, and watch the weight disappear more and more each week.

This isn’t just a nutrition program. It is a life-changing program. We will work on your “relationship with food”, overcome poor habits, and develop a positive self-image. Each week you will receive an educational and motivational email with supportive information to help you succeed with your new habit.

The days of stressing out about cooking or how to function at social events because you’re “on a diet” are over!  When you complete My Lean University you’ll have a complete understanding of long-term supportive nutrition vs. short-term ineffectual yo-yo dieting. You will also discover:

I understand...

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