1. Generation Enggelmundus
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Multinational Companies like MICROSOFT, HP, DELL, IBM, SONY, FORD, NOKIA, PHILIPS, PEPSI, COCA-COLA etc., spend enormous amount on advertising and are constantly TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT THEIR CONSUMER WANT.
Many MARKET RESEARCH COMPANIES (SURVEY COMPANIES) are conducting survey on behalf of Multinational Companies. By conducting market research online they can access customers at home, in the office or wherever they may be for honest reaction to specific products.
The survey contains a list of questions designed to find out what people like, what they are interested in, what kind of products they buy, why they choose one product over another, what they think of certain products, how much they spend on various products etc., Each question of the survey has 4 to 5 choice answers among which you have to choose an answer according to your opinion.
A CONSUMER’S OPINION COUNTS NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD THEY MAY RESIDE and companies are reliant on getting feedback from the public.
FOR COMPLETING A SURVEY THE SURVEY COMPANIES ARE PAYING up to $75. Some industry specialized surveys worth up to $80 - $120. The amount paid for a survey depends on the number of questions offered and also the reputation of the company who sponsors it.
By becoming a member, you get access (links) to 250 survey companies conducting surveys on behalf of more than 6500 Multinational Companies.
Once you sign up with the survey companies in our database they send surveys on a...
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