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Mediterranean Diet recipes, cookbook, food pyramid, food

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Thursday, 27 February 2014

Mediterranean Diet recipes, cookbook, food pyramid, food
Mediterranean Diet recipes, cookbook, food pyramid, food is to help enlighten those who are attracted to the Mediterranean diet for its tasty recipes alone, you might like to know of these EXTRA beneficial facts and findings.

The Mediterranean diet is NOT a man made diet nor does it comprise of pharmaceuticals or come in the form of a tablet. The researched and traditional Mediterranean diet has been verified for providing mankind with many and varied health benefits.
  1. Dementia - The Mediterranean diet has been verified as reducing the risk of Alzheimers and other types of Dementia through research at the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimers and the Aging Brain at the Medical Centre at Columbia University.
  2. Weight Loss - Weight loss and weight loss management have also been identified as positve outcome by practicing a Mediterranean diet. Studies performed at Navarra University indicate the diet can reduce the body fat of people undertaking the diet.The research was over three years and monitored people at risk of heart disease to the number of 1.055 indiividuals.
  3. Osteoporosis - Professor Campbell found in a study that the longer a person continues the use of the Mediterranean diet the less the chance of developing Osteoporosis. It appears that high antioxidant levels are responsible for this based on later studies.
  4. Diabetes - A study which ran for four years, resulted in 44% of people consuming the Mediterarnean diet required diabetes medication for blood sugar issues in comparison to 70% of individuals who practised a low-fat diet. The Mediterranean research group ended up with better blood sugar (glycemic) management and were unlikely to require further medication for diabetes to reach healthier blood sugar levels. It was one of the longest studies of its type undertaken. Katherine Esposito, MD (from Second University, Naples) said that intervention lifestyle diets should never be ignored and the results of the study reinforce their importance.
  5. Cancer - Athens University Medical Centre professors discovered there was a direct link when it comes to diets and cancer issues. Less incidence of cancer was found in people who consumed a traditional Mediterranean diet.
This free registration will provide you a host of information about the Mediteraranean diet. Here is just some of the subject matter it will include: Articles on the Mediterranean food pyramid, Mediterranean diet recipes, information on weight loss relevance, disease prevention, nutritional value of related foods, research verification ...and more ...all sent to you by email for your convenience. There's more...

You will receive free access to a compilation of Mediterranean diet articles (Report Style-over 30 pages) selected to enhance your knowledge of the diet and how it can benefit you. You will receive this report via email minutes after registration. The rest of the information is sent to you every few days to avoid you being overwhelmed.

Read on for more detail on what you will receive by email once you have confirmed your free registration:

Mediterranean diet information about its effects on weight loss - Verified information is available on the subject of the Mediterranean diet and its effects on weight loss. This information along with the rest is provided by university, foundation and institute research across the globe....Read More Detail


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