1. Generation Enggelmundus
"Download Now" links will connect you to ClickBank, which accepts major credit cards through a secure server. As soon as you complete the transaction, your browser will take you to a web page that will enable you to download the e-book immediately. ClickBank will, at its option, replace or repair any defective product within 8 weeks from the date of purchase. E-books will require a viewer capable of displaying .pdf files, such as Adobe Acrobat; Audio Downloads require an .mp3 player, such as Windows Media Player or a stand-alone device such as an iPod.
The Book of Exhilaration and Mastery is 25 pages of Meta-Magick exercises and rituals not found in Meta-Magick: The Book of Atem. This is an e-book in .pdf format.
Audio Download #1: Instant Evocation - A hypnotic exploration of Meta-Magick "simple evocation." (Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this download!)
Audio Download #2: Watch Yourself Relax - Discussion of new findings in neuroscience that have wide ramifications. PLUS a powerful demonstration of the principles in action. 20min. mp3 file. 19.3MB
Audio Download #3: What's Your Attitude? - Which came first, the gesture or the attitude? Practical discussion and an exercise exploring the connections between body, mind, and magical gestures. 17 min. .mp3 file. 16.3MB
Audio Download #4: Exploring the Aura - Trading the vaporous haze of theoretical occultism for the sharp delineation of practical demonstration, Audio Download #4 explores the human aura. 17min. mp3 file. 15.9MB
Audio Download #5: Transcend Your Mental Maps - Are you tired of having a mind...
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