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Move Your Body Transformation by Kristy Bell Olds and Zach Marcy, CPT

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Move Your Body Transformation by Kristy Bell Olds and Zach Marcy, CPT
Move Your Body Transformation by Kristy Bell Olds and Zach Marcy, CPT - Do you prefer to stay home because you are not happy with your overweight appearance?  Do you have trouble walking from your bedroom to your living room or from your front door to your mailbox?  Do you fear going out to eat because of small booths or unstable chairs?  Has a doctor recommended surgical weight-loss alternatives?
Are you looking for a low cost way to become healthier and lose weight from the comfort of your own home?

See how I did it with little to no money and no gym membership.  See how I went from being morbidly obese with serious Cardiomyopathy to running miles and being completely free of all medications.

You, too, can do this without surgery or any magic formulas, shakes, or pills.  You can become healthier and more physically fit while improving your outlook on life with this program.

“The program helped both Beth and I become accountable to, not only each other, but in knowing that we would have to publish our weight each week.  Sometimes that was enough for us to decide whether we were going to go for a walk after supper or not!

“This program has completely changed my life!  It’s been 12 weeks and I can’t believe the difference that I feel in my body and energy level.  My days used to be filled with sitting on the couch, dreading having to walk up the stairs or really even get up at all.  My kids were starting to notice and it would break my heart that I couldn’t play with them for very long, if at all....Read More Detail


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