1. Generation Enggelmundus
My name is Mike Frazier and I’m a former UCLA medical school admissions committee member and graduate of UCLA medical school.
If not, feel free to check them out for some free advice! (you’ll also find one of my best videos from my members only site for free later on this page).
You’re probably worrying about getting good grades while balancing work, shadowing, research, volunteering at a soup kitchen and a hospital, and trying to squeeze in some time for hobbies (just so you can put them on AMCAS!).
You have probably found, as I did, that there is a lot of information out there about getting into medical school.
However, a lot of it comes from people who, to put it bluntly, don’t really know what they’re talking about.
This is especially true online, where a premed student ends up asking and getting answers from other premed students about how to get accepted.
That’s like applying for a job and asking the guy applying with you what the boss wants…instead of just asking the boss!
I spent time on the UCLA admissions committee and created the site, YouTube channel and eBook 10 Steps to Accepted to try to let people know the truth about what schools are looking for…from the perspective of the admissions committee.
I’ve been fortunate to see many of my clients be successful in getting accepted to one or more medical schools. You can read some of their stories...
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