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The ultimate century training program: cycle 100 miles

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Sunday, 2 February 2014

In the main part of the program you’ll receive a pdf with over 50 pages of advice and information specific to century training that will allow you to dramatically improve every aspect of you training.

This part of the program will get your training started straight away and more importantly keep your training on track when the chips are down and you feel like quitting.

One of the hardest things about training for an endurance event like a century ride is knowing what to do each day. In this program you’ll get a specific training session planned out for each and every day in the 12 week course. Here’s an example:

Power Interval Workout Workout Aim: Increase power output of pedaling stoke Workout Length: 60 minutes Interval 1: 20 minute warm up (very easy pace, under 70% MHR) Interval 2: 10 minute high resistance/gear (move to a harder gear, increase heart rate to 85% MHR) Interval 3: 10 minute recovery (very easy pace, allow heart rate to recover to under 70% MHR) Interval 4: 10 minute high resistance/gear (move to a harder gear, increase heart rate to 85% MHR) Interval 5: 10 minute recovery (very easy pace)

So every day for 12 weeks you’ll have a workout to follow telling you what to do, how hard to work that will help you maximize your fitness levels.

You will also get a specially designed training log that you can use to track key data from every single ride you do. This will help you keep on track with your training program and let you see...

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