1. Generation Enggelmundus
How many times have you looked at your girlfriend, sister, mother or any other woman and wondered, “What is going on inside her head?!”
It’s no secret that women have a way of confounding men with their mysterious behavior. I’m a woman, and I’d be the first to admit this! Men and women sometimes seem to be speaking two different languages—and just like with any other language barrier, sometimes you need a translator to step in and help out. Well, that’s exactly what I’m here to do. Dozens—maybe hundreds—of books have already been written on the question of how men and women can learn to communicate better, but none of them tell you all the secrets I am going to give you here.
This is a very unusual and much needed book, because it contains hundreds of specific and proven tips about how to make your relationship with the special woman in your life a healthy, long-lasting and happy one.
Most relationship books contain lots of abstract theories about what makes a good relationship. They give you exercises to perform with your partner. But that’s all baloney!
Exercises Don’t Work and Theories Can’t Help You Out When ALL You Really Need to Know Is: What is The Woman in My Life Thinking Right NOW? How Can I Learn to Understand Her and Her Feelings?
You need specific advice, and that’s why I have written this book. I have been through it all—all the uncertainty, the fights, the break-ups, the singles scene—and now I’m...
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