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Recapture your youth & vitality

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Saturday, 8 March 2014

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Are you afraid of aging, poor health and no sex life?  Here are all the answers, everything you need to know about feeling young, having great health and a great sex life …… welcome to the 2014 relaunch of…

Julie N felt like she would never have sex again.  She had painful intercourse, no sex drive, hot flashes all the time.  After some blood tests she discovered she had no progesterone and hardly any testosterone.  After a course of bio identical hormones Julie got her mojo back, she can’t believe it!

To: all people who are going through midlife and need help and guidance to navigate their way through it and beyond and tips to help you avoid the health issues and risks

From: Christine & Thom McDonnell – natural health practitioners, anti aging experts, mid life coaches, educators specialising in antiaging natural solutions.

We have been where you are now!  We both had horrendous changes when we hit our mid forties that affected our health and wellbeing and how we lived our lives.

Hi I’m Christine, and I have been a practitioner for over 30 years in nutrition, herbal and homeopathic medicine, so I should have been well-equipped to deal with any health issues.  So I thought, but nothing prepared me for what my body was going through. I started putting on weight for no apparent reason, I could go all week and hardly eat and still put on weight.

I had pain in my right ovary, had a scan and there was a 4 cm cyst on it but the pain would...

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