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What healers won't tell you - 

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Friday, 7 March 2014

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This Consumer Guide starts with health care basics and goes on to reveal secrets known only by advanced healers. Discover why even the most carefully selected treatments can fail. Find out why some people cannot feel positive no matter how hard they try and how they can resolve this to sustain healing, inner peace and emotional clarity.

I finished reading your book and could not be more delighted with what you have brought forward. You have been able put into words what I have been doing my best to convey to my students for over a decade. Your work will now become suggested reading for all of students and required reading in all my Intuitive Healing classes. For everyone and anyone who has a healing practice, is a student of healing disciplines or availing themselves to any type of healing services this book is a “must read”. It is beautifully written from the heart, to dispel fear and bring empowerment.

Thank you so much for having the courage to write this information down with the experience, understanding and knowledge to back it up.

This Guide is likely to surprise you. It is not the same old stuff, dressed up differently. It is not a veiled advertisement. I actually wrote it to help people. You can save a great deal of money going to only the best for your self care. Recognize them!

I have smart clients and my clients ask questions. Each insight in this book began with a much-asked question. When my answers make a difference in how someone lives life I write it down. Every insight in this book has changed lives.Read More detail


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