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Become a knitting superstar! - complete video knitting course

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Do you spend hours knit­ting one sock only to find out you’ve done some­thing hor­ri­bly wrong?

Many attempt very com­plex projects but give up as they really don’t under­stand the ter­mi­nolo­gies or abbre­vi­a­tions used in knit­ting patterns…

Wouldn’t it be great if some­one took all that infor­ma­tion you need and put it some­where you can eas­ily access?

I have more than ten years of expe­ri­ence knit­ting and teach­ing knit­ters like you how to knit faster, more eas­ily, and more confidently.

I’m a mem­ber of the Knit­ting Guild Asso­ci­a­tion and the Inter­na­tional Coach Fed­er­a­tion, and my pas­sion and secret to teach­ing suc­cess is being there for YOU, to guide you and encour­age you every step of the way.

I cre­ated KNIT­Free­dom to bring my most pop­u­lar knit­ting classes to the world, giv­ing every­one a “front-row seat,” so that any­one could expe­ri­ence the amaz­ing changes that my local knit­ting stu­dents were so excited about.

The more you prac­tice along with me, the more your brain will assim­i­late these skills, until you are able to knit things you never imag­ined pos­si­ble, while watch­ing a movie, car­ry­ing on a con­ver­sa­tion, and mak­ing new friends in your knit­ting...

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