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101 Habits for Success

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Saturday, 17 May 2014

101 habits for success
101 Habits for Success  - From the Desk of Dr. Steve G. Jones Clinical Hypnotherapist, Neuro Linguistic Programming master Trainer & Founder of the American Alliance of Hypnotists.

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have to so easy with business, relationships, wealth and even health?
Do you want to discover the secrets of the mega-successful elite who thrive in their chosen fields and careers?

Are you excited that there is finally an easy way to change your life by doing things the way the champs do it?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this may well be the most important letter that you will ever read. The path to success as we know it is not a smooth one but it doesn’t have to be so hard that you will feel like giving up. Many times in our lives we will feel like all our efforts are just going to waste because we are not getting the success and happiness that we desire.

Millions of people work hard every day. Thousands of hours are spent on thinking, planning and doing – and yet, a lot of people are still unhappy with the results. Ultimately, a large percentage of people feel that they don’t deserve to be happy and ultra-successful in life…

Do you feel this way, too? Do you feel like success is always escaping, always slipping your fingers even when you are this close to finally grabbing it?...Read More Detail


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