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Is There An Ideal Turmeric Dosage For Inflammation?

Posted by Galleri Adeestilo on Monday, 18 July 2016

Turmeric is also known as curcumin. It comes from the roots and rhizome of an Asian plant called Curcuma longa, which hails from Indonesia and India. It is a staple in Asian cooking and is renowned for its health giving properties. Many people take concentrated curcumin as a health supplement, and this is a very good thing to do; however, it is important that you understand that you do not derive the full benefits of turmeric unless it is heated with some oil. For this reason, it is preferable to simply learn to cook with this tasty spice and add it to your everyday diet.

Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine form more than 4000 years as an excellent curative for many kinds of inflammation, which is at the root of all illness. In this article, we will discuss the concept of turmeric dosage for inflammation and provide some smart, practical ideas for adding turmeric to your daily routine. Read on to learn more.

The Anti-inflammatory & Antioxidant Benefits Of Turmeric
Turmeric is a very powerful antioxidant which works to reduce free radicals in your system and neutralize them. This is important because free radicals can damage, and even destroy, your DNA and your cells. Turmeric works by reducing the presence of two enzymes that promote inflammation. This is why many doctors recommend that patients suffering from the pain of osteoarthritis add turmeric to their daily health and wellness routine.

Have A Healthy GI Tract
When you add turmeric to your diet, it acts as an excellent tonic for your gallbladder. It promotes bile production and helps improve your digestion. Adding a teaspoon of turmeric to rice, beans, soups and stews as they cook improves flavor and can help you reduce problems such as gas, bloating and other digestive distress. Remember to add a teaspoon of natural, organic oil (e.g. coconut oil) to any dish you cook with turmeric. This will enhance the benefits.

Enjoy Better Heart Health
Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) presents a real threat to cardiovascular health. When your arteries become rigid, narrowed and inflamed your circulation is negatively impacted. Adding turmeric to your diet can help lower overall cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol. This thins the blood and prevents blood clots.

Prevent & Treat Cancer With Turmeric
Intensive studies performed in India have shown that one reason the Indian people have an overall lower rate of cancer is that they regularly consume turmeric. Regular use of turmeric in the diet can help to reduce blood flow to malignant tumors. This restricts their growth and slows or stops cancer cell replication. Both research and anecdotal evidence support the idea that turmeric is a powerful anti-cancer agent. Patients suffering from prostate, lung and colorectal cancer have experienced a reduction in cancer cells after adding generous amounts of turmeric to their diets.

Turmeric Fights All Kinds Of Inflammation
If you are suffering from a viral or bacterial infection, kidney and/or liver problems, blood sugar irregularities or an inflammatory skin condition, turmeric can help. Added to the diet, it is an excellent overall tonic. Prepared as a paste, it can be used as a topical skin treatment to reduce inflammation and facilitate healing of acne lesions, rashes and more.

It Doesn�t Take A Lot!
It is safe to add turmeric to your diet as a normal spice. You don�t have to consume mass quantities in order to reap benefits. In fact, excessive use of turmeric (or consumption of concentrated curcumin supplements) can cause upset stomach or even ulcers. This is why it is so much wiser (and more fun) to simply learn to cook with turmeric. It makes a nice addition to lots of different kinds of dishes. A simple Google search for recipes containing turmeric reveals a world of possibilities.

While adding turmeric to your diet is generally quite safe, do check in with your doctor if you have a pre-existing condition such as hypertension or diabetes. Because turmeric has positive effects on these conditions, it may interfere with your prescription medications. Talk with your doctor about adjusting your medicines as needed when you add turmeric to your daily diet.

If you aren�t an avid cook, you can still enjoy simple ways of including turmeric in your health regimen. Here are a few smart ideas:
  1. Make turmeric tea! Bring four cups of water to a boil and stir in a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Lower the heat and simmer the mixture for ten minutes. Strain through a very fine strainer and add honey and lemon as you like.
  2. Apply turmeric topically. You can make a soothing, healing turmeric paste by combining a bit of warm water, sesame oil or milk with turmeric powder. Apply this concoction liberally to inflamed skin and minor cuts and scrapes. It reduces inflammation and promotes healing.
  3. Take supplements. Some people don�t like the taste of turmeric. If this describes you, you may wish to take curcumin capsules. Follow package directions carefully. Generally speaking, the right dosage to address inflammation is 400-600 mg, 3X daily. If this seems excessive to you, adjust according to your preferences.

Spice Up Your Life!
Continue to experiment with adding turmeric to your diet as a spice. It can be an acquired taste. Try keeping a shaker of the spice on your table and experiment with adding it to your favorite foods. It is especially good in egg dishes.

When including turmeric in your health and fitness routine, remember not to overdo it. You could take a supplement once a day and add the spice to your favorite dishes, smoothies and even oatmeal! The main thing is to add it consistently and to remember to include healthy oils in your diet to help facilitate the benefits. There is really no ideal turmeric dosage for inflammation, but adding turmeric to your daily health and wellness plan is a tasty and natural way to reap the valuable anti-inflammatory properties of this flavorful spice.


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